Microfluidics M-110P Electric Microfluidizer Demonstration

Hi! I'm Rich at New Life Scientific, and today I'm going to show off this beautiful Microfluidics M110P. P is for the power unit. This one, unlike its predecessor, does not require air. This one has actually got a hydraulic system built underneath the hood here, where it's utilizing a motor which pumps hydraulic fluids into a pump which then utilizes the ramming up rather than the air piston. It's a hydraulic piston. 

So in behind here, you have a hydraulic piston that just actually moves the pump ram back and forth. It does create extremely high pressures and you can eliminate the needing of having an air compressor that requires a lot of CFM or burning through your laboratory bottles trying to run your air models. But this is definitely the answer for the ones that really don't want to mess with air. They just want to plug it in and turn it on and they want to get it going. 

So, I'm going to kind of go over a little bit how you would proceed with this. This particular model actually has the bleeder valve on the side here which is really nice. What we like to do is just get a syringe and you can use a little bit bigger one depending on how much air you need to get in. Just plug that in and you don't need to even start the machine yet. Just open up your valve all the way until it stops and then just suck in. 

You can see the air bubbles we're getting out of there and that's what we want. We wanted to pull all the air bubbles out of the system because we don't want any air in there. Once I got a full syringe, I'm just going to shut this again here and then, that allows it to just stay in the system and I'm just going to let it bleed off a little air here. I can pull this back off and just move it back up here. I'm just using alcohol for this demonstration. 

Right now I actually have the return hose hooked in back here and I'm just recycling it back into the glass reservoir here. This particular model comes with a diamond, which is the upgrade from the ceramic, and it's got the 75 microns. You need a lot of pressure for 75 micron. 

We've actually got this unit set pretty high right now, we're going to go ahead and power it on. One thing that this unit does is put off a little bit of noise because you got, like I said, a hydraulic system running. But in all reality, the noise level isn't any worse than the air models that they have, and that is what we sell also.

So I've got the power on back here, you can see this is actually got the light on it. The first thing you want to do is just turn the motor on, and like I said, it's a little noisy the motor is running. But now we're not actually engaging the hydraulic systems yet and that's what this lever here is for. It's the intensifier; you just pull to start it and push to stop. So we're just going to pull this up and right away we're going to start getting some hydraulic action here. You can see right now we're hitting over 30,000 PSI on the pressure gauge here and over here you can see every time the ram is coming forward. It's pushing through and we do have some air bubbles in the system yet but we did get the majority of them out.

Once we get the real high pressures, that's about when we know all the air is out of it. But, these things run very, very smoothly compared to the air-powered ones. We've also went ahead and put some water in the cooling coil here. The cooling coil gets really hot because of the extreme pressures pushing through a diamond 75 micron chamber there. It produces some real warm temperatures and does have an outflow here where you can just blow in some cool water if you're running it continually. But right now, for this demonstration, just a little bit cool water in there. 

That's as simple as it gets, folks. It's just a beautiful machine; runs nice and smooth, very consistent hitting the 30,000 PSI mark. And up here, I'm going to show you this pressure adjustment knob. When I turn this knob down and you watch the gauge over here, you're going to notice the stroke is just gonna get less and less on the PSI. Now we're running only about 25,000 PSI there. It's just that simple; you just adjust it in where you need the pressures. When you got a 75 micron mixing chamber, you need to stay up into the higher pressures to drive it through depending on what you're mixing also. Very straightforward and simple; plug it in, get the air out of it, power it up. Same thing with flushing it; you just flush everything back out of it and run some clean water. But you always want to make sure that you've definitely got some fluids in here in the piston area where the pump is moving. If it's dry and you're moving it, it's very hard on that ram in there. So getting the fluids in, priming it, and then powering it on, and keeping it going. Like I said, this machine has just got it in. It's a beautiful machine, works great, and definitely better than having to have a huge air compressor or a bottle of air that you need always to continue to run. This is a great option for those that want to mess with that.

If you've got any questions on this unit or any other units that we have, give us a call here at New Life Scientific and I'd be glad to answer them. Thank you for watching!


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