Tyfoxit F50 Cooling Brine for Microm HM550 560 CryoStar NX50 NX70 Option Cooling

Item Number: 5F919737-2576-4534-A1A4-70E87880E1F3


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Tyfoxit F50 Coolant

1 Liter of Tyfoxit F50 per bottle

This is a ready-to-use high performance ultra-low viscous secondary coolant for applications down to -50°C.

Here at New Life Scientific, we regularly perform full refurbishments on the cryostats that pass through our tech shop. Servicing the refrigeration of cryostats is the most costly part of refurbishment because of the materials and time necessary to do it correctly. We have refurbished cryostats ready for sale and preorder. Please visit this page to see more:

Tyfoxit F50 is one of the materials we use when servicing the Microm HM 550, 560, CryoStar NX70, and NX50 Microm Instruments with the option specimen cooling equipped with an additional cooling system, the brine cooling. For this, the brine heat exchanger is used. The resulting evaporator cooling performance of the brine heat exchanger is used to cool a high performance cooling brine.

This brine is transmitted by means of a liquid pump to the specimen head via flexible silicone hoses. The cooling brine flows through this head and returns to the heat exchanger. Tyfoxit F50 is a brine which has good flow properties even at temperatures around -50°C, thus guaranteeing an effective specimen cooling. To avoid frost build up on the specimen head during the defrosting phase, the temperature of the specimen head is controlled to +10°C.

This fluid is a corrosive salt solution that can crystallize and leak if it is not replaced every 3 years. If it is not replaced, then the solution can leak onto the copper refrigeration lines and corrode the lines, causing small holes that the refrigeration will escape from. Expensive refrigeration work will be required to repair the resulting damage.

Notice! It is important that the fluid is completely flushed before adding the new Tyfoxit F50.

The following cryostat models with the option specimen cooling equipped with an additional cooling system, the brine cooling, are compatible with Tyfoxit F50:

- Microm HM 550
- Microm HM 560
- CryoStar NX70
- CryoStar NX50

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Tyfoxit F50 Cooling Brine for Microm HM550 560 CryoStar NX50 NX70 Option Cooling

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