- Bio-Rad S3e Cell Sorter 488/640 Automated Cell Sorting
- Bio-Rad S3 Biosafety System (145-1078) bioBUBBLE
- Communication Cables
- Power Cable
- 90-Day Warranty
Notice: This system requires a computer and software setup by Bio-Rad before it can be put into full operation.
We powered on this cell sorter and observed no issues. Testing was limited to powering on the sorter because a computer with control software is required to take the setup any further.
S3e Cell Sorter 488/640
Serial No.
Droplet frequence
37-43 kHz
Sorting type
True jet-in-air for high-performance sorting
Sorting rate
No hardware limitations for sort rate, limited only by droplet frequency and application
Sorting purity
>99% pure
Nozzle size
100 µm
Sorting direction
2-way sorting
Sorting collection
Up to 5 x 5 ml sample tubes each direction Up to 5 x 1.5 ml tubes each direction Microscope slides 8-well strip each direction
Primary: 488 nm 100 mW Secondary: 640 nm 100 mW
Forward scatter (FSC) with PMT Side scatter (SSC) with PMT 2 fluorescence detectors with PMT Minimum resolution: 0.5 µm
<125 MESF for FITC and PE
Temperature range
Sample and collection temperature control system 4-37°C Peltier solid-state system
Onboard fluidics and dilution of 8x sheath fluid with deionized water
Data format
FCS 3.1
Power rating
100-240VAC, 50-60Hz
Power consumption
300W max.
Safety system dimensions (W x D x H)
42 x 32 x 47 in
Instrument dimensions (W x D x H)
28 x 26 x 25 in